Did you know that the bottom of your feet has more sensitive nerves than any other part of your body? Yes, that’s right. There are different pressure points in our feet and we can use these pressure points to get relief from different types of pain that arise in our body. Want to know more about different pressure points on your feet? Stay tuned then.

What Are Foot Pressure Points?

If you want to know how to use pressure points on your feet, you first need to know what pressure points on your feet are. Pressure points are specific points on your body. When these pressure points are pressed, they bring you relief from illnesses and pain that you occasionally face. There are a total of 800 pressure points in our body. Out of the total 800 pressure points in our body, fifteen of them are found on the foot.

A lot of people do not know that both reflexology and acupressure use these pressure points in their therapies as well. While reflexology focuses on relieving the body from stress, acupressure focuses on helping the body restore the flow of blocked qi in the body. It is important to manifest any illness.

There are a total of 15 pressure points found on our foot. Each pressure point can be used to get relief from pain and any illness that arises in the body.

How Do Foot Pressure Points Work?

The Chinese believe that all the 800 pressure points in our body are scattered among 14 meridians. These meridians are located where our qi flows. When there is a blockage in the flow of qi, it disturbs the balance of the entire body. As a result, we may face pain and discomfort in our bodies. In some cases, it may even lead to disease.

This is why it is important to restore the balance of the body. To release blocked qi in the body, a trained therapist applies pressure to the pressure points found in our body. There are a total of 15 pressure points on our feet. The pressure points on our feet are more sensitive than the pressure points found in any other part of our body.

There are a lot of techniques that you can use to activate the pressure points on the feet. You can apply the pressure on your feet’s acupoints with the help of your knuckles, fingers, palms, or some tool. You can even use the stretching technique if you want to activate the pressure points on your feet.

Pressure Points On The Feet

#1.Xing Jian acupoint

xing jian acupoint

The Xing jian pressure point is located on the dorsal side of the foot,between the big toe and the second toe, slightly near the edge of the big toe. This acupoint is one of the main acupoints on the liver.You can use the posture of sitting or lying on the back to find the acupuncture points easily.
Indications: Hangover discomfort, eye disease, leg cramps, nocturia, liver disease, abdominal gas reversal, intercostal neuralgia, menorrhagia, mucositis, etc.

#2.Da Dun acupoint

da dun acupoint

The Da Dun point is located on about 2cm from the edge of the nail root of the big toe (on the side of the second toe). This acupoint is one of the main acupoints on the liver. You can use the posture of sitting or lying on the back to find the acupuncture points easily.
Indications: dizziness, abdominal pain, myalgia, cold syndrome. In addition, it has also been treated as a key point for calming and restoring the mind.

#3.Tai Chong acupoint

tai chong acupoint

Taichong point is located on the dorsal side of the foot,move your fingers upwards along the gap on the tendon between the big toe and the second toe until you can feel the arteries reflecting your hands. This acupoint is one of the important acupoints on the liver. You can use the posture of sitting or lying on the back to find the acupuncture points easily.
Indications: liver disease, toothache, eye disease, digestive system disease, respiratory system disease, reproductive system disease.

#4.Tai Xi acupoint

tai xi acupoint

The Tai xi point is located on the inside of the foot, pressing on the spot between the Achilles tendon and the top of the inner bony bump of your ankle.This acupoint is one of the main acupoints on the kidney. You can use the posture of sitting upright, laying your feet flat or lying on your back.to find the acupuncture points easily.
Indications: kidney disease, toothache, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, cold hands and feet, female physiological, arthritis, lack of energy, weakness of hands and feet, rheumatism, etc.

#5.Tai Bai acupoint

tai bai acupoint

Laying the soles of the feet flat, the Tai bai point is located on the inner edge of the foot,just to the side of the ball of your foot.Press on the ball until you feel the strongest. This acupoint is one of the important acupoints on the spleen. You can use the posture of lying on your back or sitting upright to find the acupuncture points easily.
Indications: stomach pain, abdominal distension, vomiting and diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

#6.Yong Quan

yong quan acupoint

Yongquan acupoint is located at the bottom of the foot, the depression in the front of the foot when curling up, approximately at the intersection of the front 1/3 and back 2/3 of the line of the second and third metatarsophalangeal on the sole of the foot and the heel.
Massing Yongquan acupoint can prevent and treat many diseases such as: senile asthma, weakness of waist and legs, insomnia, neurasthenia, dizziness, headache, high blood pressure, deafness, tinnitus, constipation.

#7.Shen Mai acupoint

shen mai acupoint

Shenmai acupoint is located on the lateral part of the foot, in the depression directly below the lateral malleolus.
Sitting down, move the foot to be massaged slightly obliquely to the side of the body and lift up the heel. Hold the bottom of the heel with your hands on the same side with four fingers down, palms facing up. The thumb is bent and the finger pad is placed in the depression directly below the outer ankle. The location of the thumb is the Shenmai acupoint.
Indications: Insomnia, headache, dizziness, low back pain, foot and ankle joint pain, paralysis of lower limbs, red eyes, swelling and pain. Frequent massage of Shenmai acupoints can also cure cold syndrome and improve tolerance.

#8.Qiu Xu acupoint

qiu xu acupoint

The Qiuxu acupoint is located on the back of the foot, in front of the lateral malleolus, on the outside of the extensor digitorum longus tendon, in the depression between the talar-heel joint.
Indications: neck pain, underarm swelling, chest and hypochondriac pain, paralysis of lower limbs, lateral malleolus swelling and pain, malaria, hernia, red eyes, swelling and pain, eye shadow, stroke and hemiplegia.

#9.Kun Lun acupoint

kun lun acupoint

Kun Lun acupoint is located on the outside of the ankle, at the central point of the line connecting the apex of the lateral malleolus with the heel (behind the lateral malleolus of the foot, when the depression between the tip of the lateral malleolus and Achilles tendon).
Indications: Sciatica, ankle arthritis, neuropathic headache, etc.

#10.Zu Lin Qi acupoint

zu lin qi acupoint

Zu Lin Qi acupoint is located on the outside of the dorsum of the foot, between the metatarsals of the fourth toe and the little toe. Indications: headache, back pain, muscle cramps, eye diseases, cholecystitis, stroke, neurosis, etc.

How To Use Foot Pressure Points To Relieve Pain?

No matter which technique we use to put pressure on the pressure points on our feet, it will be effective to reduce the pain that the body is facing. Apart from this, massaging these pressure points can also help patients suffering from chronic pain. To massage the pressure points on your feet, you need to make sure that you are seated and relaxed. If you cannot reach your feet easily, it would be best that you ask someone else to do it.

Want to know how foot pressure points can help you relieve different pains that your body faces? Keep reading then.


Are you facing frequent headaches recently? If yes, then it would be best to have the pressure points on your feet massaged. The Kun Chun and the Tai Chong acupoints should be massaged to get relief from the headaches that you are recently facing. These pressure points are located on the top of the foot. The Tai Chong pressure point can be found on the tendon. The tendon is between the toes on your foot. On the other hand, the Kun Lun is located in the hollow that is found between the bony bump and Achilles tendon.

So, if you want to get relief from the headaches that you are facing frequently, all you need to do is press the Tai Chong point on your feet for thirty seconds. Make sure that you press it with your thumb. Repeat the step a total of three times.

Next, you need to apply the pressure on the Kun Lun point for thirty seconds as well. You can either do it with your thumb or forefinger. Repeat the step a total of three times as well.

Keep in mind that you should not press the acupoint for more than two minutes.

For Menstrual Pain And Cramping

Menstrual pain can be unbearable for some women. Are you also one of those women that feel a lot of pain while menstruating? Well, you do not need to worry anymore. You can use the pressure points on your feet to get relief from the menstrual pain that you are facing.

The Tai Chong acupoint can help you get relief from the menstrual pain and any abdominal cramping that you are facing. So, if you want to get relief from menstrual pain, you can use this acupoint as it relaxes your abdominal muscles and regulates your menstruation as well.

The Tai Chong point is located between your big and second toes. To get relief from menstrual pain and cramping, all you need to do is press the Tai Chong point with your thumb. Make sure that you press it for a period of 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat step two to three times and see the magic yourself.

For Arthritis Pain

If you are suffering from arthritis pain, you must know how painful it can be. But, the good news is that you can now get relief from arthritis pain just by massaging the pressure points on your feet.

You can get relief from arthritis pain by massaging the Tai Xi pressure point on your foot. The Tai Xi pressure point is one of the major pressure points found on the foot. Massaging this point helps you to strengthen your knees and lower back. These are the areas of the body that commonly face arthritis pain as well.

The Tai Xi acupoint is located between the Achilles tendon and the top of the bony bump on your ankle. All you need to do is press the point for thirty seconds. Repeat the step two times. You will get relief from your arthritis pain. But, remember that massaging the acupressure points should not be the only treatment for arthritis. You should consult a doctor as well.

For Lumbar Pain

The Kun Lun pressure point is not only effective for headaches, but it can be used to provide relief from lumbar pain as well. Apart from this, the Zu Lin Qi also helps the people suffering from back pain to get relief from it.

You can massage the Kun Lun point by pressing between the gap between the highest point of the bump outside the ankle and your Achilles tendon. You need to massage the point for thirty seconds. Repeat step two to three times.

The Zu Lin Qi point is located on the exterior part of your foot. Press the Zu Lin Qi point for thirty seconds as well. Repeat the step three times. You will notice a major improvement in your lumbar pain.

For Leg Muscle Cramps

Are you facing leg muscle cramps frequently? Well, you can get relief from the frequent leg muscle cramps by applying pressure to the Zun Lin Qin and Xing Jian acupoints on your feet. The Xing Jian acupoint is located on the skin between the big toe and the second toe. Both these points help the leg muscles in loosening and stopping the legs from cramping.

If you want to get relief from leg muscle cramps, all you need to do is press the point for 30 seconds. Repeat the steps 2 to 3 times and you will get relief from leg muscle cramps.

Some Tips For Massaging Foot Pressure Points

Although a lot of foot massage machines are in fashion nowadays, nothing beats the old traditional way of massage done by hands. It will get you relief from your pain immediately. This is why a lot of people prefer getting the massage from hands instead of machines. But, this does not mean that the machines are not effective. They are equally effective.

Looking for some tips for massaging foot pressure points by hands? Keep reading then.

  • Make a schedule for your foot massage
  • Find a position that is comfortable for you
  • Do not press the acupoint for more than two minutes
  • Take deep breathes and close your eyes while pressing the acupoints
  • Use firm fingers while pressing the acupoints

So, if you are facing any pain in your body recently, all you need to do is find the right pressure point on your feet and massage it correctly. You will get relief from your body pain in the shortest possible period. But, if the pain is consistent and does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

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