GB 39 Acupuncture Point(Xuanzhong) belongs to the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang,which is commonly used for fullness of chest and abdomen, stiff neck, migraine, hemiplegia, waist and leg pain, athlete’s foot, sciatica, paralysis of lower limbs, etc. puncture 0.5 to 1 cun straight.

GB 39 Acupuncture Point Location

3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus in a depression between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of peroneous longus and brevis.

xuanzhong point

What is the meaning of Xuanzhong

Xuanzhong:”Xuan”,refers to in the air. “Zhong”,Bell,a kind of musical instrument with its sound is thick and loud. The name of “Xuanzhong” means that the upper descending meridian water of Gallbladder Meridian flies down here. The substance of this point is the descending meridian water from the upper part of Gallbladder Meridian. After reaching this point, the meridian water flies down from here, like a waterfall making loud sound, hence the name.

xuanzhong GB 39

GB 39 Acupuncture Point usage

fullness of chest and abdomen, stiff neck, migraine, hemiplegia, waist and leg pain, athlete’s foot, sciatica, paralysis of lower limbs.

Clinical:Cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cervical spondylosis, sciatica, Sydenham etc.

GB 39 Acupuncture Point Therapy

  • Use your middle finger to press and rub GB 39(Xuanzhong) acupoint for about 3 to 5 minutes each time,once in the morning and  evening, which can effectively relieve low pressure with high value of hypertensive.
  • Moxibustion on GB 39 acupoint before going to bed every day for 8 to 9 minutes each time, it also is beneficial for regulating high blood pressure.
GB 39 xuanzhong

Compatibility of GB 39 Acupoints

Combined with Fengchi point to treat dizziness and tinnitus;

Combined with Neiting acupoints to treat fullness of  abdomen;

Combined with Houxi and Tianzhu points  to treat stiff neck pain;

Combined with Kunlun, Hegu, Quchi, Jianpi, Zusanli point to treat stroke and hemiplegia;

Combined with Fenglong point to treat hyperlipidemia;

Combined with Houxi and Lieque point to treat stiff neck.

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