GB 3 Acupuncture Point(Shangguan) belongs to the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang,which is commonly used for headache, tinnitus, deafness,tympanitis,facial paralysis, facial pain, tooth pain, epilepsy, and cripples.Puncture 0.5~0.8 cun straight.

GB 3 Acupuncture Point Location

In a depression directly above ST 7 on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in front of the ear.

shangguan point

What is the meaning of Shanguan

Shangguan:”Shang”,upward. “Guan”,gateway.The name of “Shanguan “means that the Qi of Qingyang of Gallbladder Meridian goes upward. The substance of this acupoint is the weak water-qi due to absorbing heat and ascending from GB 2(Tinghui) point. During ascending to this point, the external cold and dampness-qi also converges into it. After reaching this point,, the Qi of Qingyang absorbs heat and goes up.However,the heavy water-qi will fall the ground, like a gateway for Qi ascending to the heaven, hence the name.

Shangguan,alias:Kezhuren.”Ke”,guest. It belongs to Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang,wind-qi is main, kidney-qi is guest.The name of “Kezhuren” means that the Qi of this point is the cold dampness-qi. The substance of this point is the weak water-qi from GB 2(Tinghui) point.During ascending to this point, the external cold and dampness-qi also converges into it. After reaching this point, the Qi become cold and dampness-qi with the characteristics of kidney water.hence the name.

shangguan GB 3

GB 3 Acupuncture Point Usage

headache, tinnitus, deafness,tympanitis,facial paralysis, facial pain, tooth pain, epilepsy, and cripples.

Clinical:Temporomandibular joint dysfunction,Vascular headache, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve palsy, etc..

GB 3 Acupuncture Point Therapy

Massage therapy

Use your middle finger to gently massage GB 3(Shangguan) point for 3 to 5 minutes each time.It can prevent vision loss and prevent from ear, mouth, and facial diseases if Long-term massage it.

GB 3 shangguan

GB 3 Point Compatibility

Combined with HeGu,Jiache,Ermen point to treat mandibular arthritis,lockjaw, etc.;

Combined with Yifeng, Tinghui, Taixi, Shenshu point to treat the elderly with kidney deficiency, tinnitus and deafness.

Combined with Tinggong and Tinghui point to treat tinnitus.

Combined with Juliao and Hegu point to treat toothache.

Combined with Taiyang, Sizhukong, and Waiguan point to treat migraine.

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