LI 19 Acupuncture Point(Kouheliao) belongs to the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-yangming,which is commonly used to treat nasal congestion,epistaxis,facial paralysis and lockjaw etc.

LI 19 Acupuncture Point Location

Directly below the lateral margin of the nostril at the level of GV 26.

kouheliao acupoint

What is the meaning of Heliao

KouHeLiao:He,refers to food, Liao,the pores. The name of “Kouheliao” means that the surface meridian water-qi of the large intestine meridian returns to the body from this point. The substance of this point is the Qi of the heaven by LI 18(Futu) and LI 20(Yingxiang) points. After reaching this point, the cold water-qi descends to the ground, and returns to the internal meridians from the ground pores of this point.hence the name.

LI 19 Acupuncture Point Usage

Rhinitis, nasal congestion,epistaxis,facial paralysis and lockjaw etc.

LI 19 Acupuncture Point Therapy

  • Use the index finger to press Kouheliao acupoint for 5 to 10 minutes each time. It is beneficial for allergic rhinitis, nasal vestibulitis and chronic rhinitis.
  • Frequently use the index finger to press Kouheliao acupoint for 1 to 3 minutes each time, which is good help to care nose.

LI 19 Point Compatibility

Combined with Yingxiang, Shangxing, Wushu, Shuigou, Fengfu, Bailao, Taiyuan to treat stuffy nose.

Combined with Fengchi, Fengfu, Yingxiang, Renzhong to treat polypus.

Combined with Shangxing, Hegu, Yuji, Shaoshang point to treat epistaxis.

Combined with Hegu, Lieque, Jiache point to treat lockjaw.

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